Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Counting down the hours...

I am counting down the hours until I leave Friday morning. Everything seems to be going straight ahead for me, almost done with the final part of my class (A presentation on my research group's paper on antibiotics and sea star wasting), just have to present tomorrow, then pack everything up in the car and leave Friday morning! Weatherwise, my first destination looks like it will be in the low 80s during the day, but since I'll be arriving at nightfall, looking at ~65F at night. Not bad for a campout! The next destination will be around 91F during the day, but again, ~77F at night. Perfect! My last destination will be in the higher 80s during the day. Not bad for weather for my trip! Time to get off this thing and work on the power point for the presentation. The next couple of days will be very busy, but will post again soon.

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